How Does C5 Logistics Vet Their Partner Carriers?
- For all the carriers that do amazing trustworthy work. C5 keeps them around and rewards them on a greater amount of shipments.
- We rank our carrier internally with an A, B, or C Rating.
- These are the carriers that go above and beyond on every single shipment.
- Rest assured C5 has a ton of carriers in its network that provide this level of service.
- Not to mention every single team member at C5 makes sure to set all expectations with our carrier before the shipment taking place. And sometimes, putting security expectations in place, that were not even required by the customer, so an extra amount of care is made on your shipment.
- If a carrier has not proven their motor carrier authority for 180+ Days. C5 does not use them period.
- This keeps our carriers in good standing and does not allow any carrier on planet Earth to take and handle your shipment.
- After we have spoken with a carrier and have confirmed their information we send them a RMIS verified link to complete.
- This confirms all legal insurance requirements and motor carrier documents are in order and active with the carrier.
- If they fail the set-up and are not able to complete it, RMIS sniffs out bad carriers before they get the chance to harm a shipment.
- Just because a carrier passed our vetting process once, does not mean they have kept good standing.
- C5 does routine check-ins with carriers to ensure nothing has been reported on their MC authority such as Fraud, no-call no-show, unethical practices, etc.
If a carrier has shown any of these suspicious activities, C5 puts them on an internal BLACKLIST, and a BLACKLIST on RMIS and REPORT on Carrier 411.
- Very poor communication.
- Does not want to utilize the tracking apps that are required.
- Is more that 4 hours late with our reasonable cause.
- Suspected of double-brokering a shipment. (This one is an immediate blacklist. C5 has a ZERO tolerance for any thing that may even cause suspicion for double brokering)
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